Adrian Lefler

Childhood Tooth Injuries Are Preventable!

MINIMIZING THE RISK of childhood tooth injuries starts with knowing the most common causes of those...

3 days ago

Oral Cancer Screenings Should Be a Priority!

THE AMERICAN CANCER Society estimates that there will be over 54,000 new oral cancer cases...

2 weeks ago

What Do Different Cultures Do With Baby Teeth?

WE DENTAL HEALTH professionals tend to be big fans of the Tooth Fairy. We can remember...

1 month ago

Learn About Three Dentistry Heroines

WOMEN FACED AN uphill battle establishing themselves in many career...

2 months ago

Tips for Teaching Kids to Floss

ON THE LONG list of things parents need to teach their kids in childhood is proper flossing, but...

2 months ago

What Does an Eating Disorder Do to Dental Health?

EATING DISORDERS can cause many kinds of damage to the body, including the teeth. Oral hygiene...

2 months ago

Learn the Basics of Lip Ties and Tongue Ties

BEING TONGUE-TIED isn't just an expression; for many people, it's an actual medical...

3 months ago

Follow These Sensitive Tooth Tips

1 IN EVERY 8 Americans (including kids) has sensitive teeth. To understand why, we'll need...

4 months ago

Let’s Answer Some Dental FAQs Before the New Year!

WE HEAR A LOT of the same questions from patients and parents of patients, so let's wrap...

4 months ago

No, Vaping Is Not a “Healthy Alternative.”

WE'VE BEEN HEARING for decades how dangerous smoking is to many aspects of our health. As dental...

5 months ago