
Are Oral Piercings Worth the Risks?

WHY WOULD DENTAL health professionals want to weigh in on oral piercings? There aren’t...

3 years ago

Why We’re Thankful for the Dentist

IT’S THAT TIME of the year when we take stock of what we’re thankful for. Even in a...

3 years ago

Fighting Back Against Dental Anxiety

DENTAL PHOBIA AND anxiety are pretty common, affecting more than one in every ten...

3 years ago

What Causes Bleeding Gums

THERE ARE SEVERAL reasons gum tissue might end up bleeding, and not just...

3 years ago

Strange and Fascinating Animal Teeth

WE’RE THE EXPERTS on human teeth, but there are lots of interesting teeth out there. You probably...

3 years ago

Have a Mouth-Healthy Halloween

CAN YOU BELIEVE HALLOWEEN is coming up so soon? It’s always a fun time of year, with the...

4 years ago

Sugar Versus Our Teeth

SUGAR IS THE GREATEST nemesis of the dental profession and anyone who wants to maintain...

4 years ago

Be Careful of Oral Health Fads

GENERALLY SPEAKING, INFLUENCERS are not a great source of health advice. One person’s...

4 years ago

Choosing the Best Toothbrush

CENTURIES AGO, PEOPLE didn’t have many options for how to keep their teeth clean. Some cultures...

4 years ago

What’s Your Dental Emergency Plan?

A LITTLE BIT OF PREP work makes a huge difference when an emergency happens, including...

4 years ago